Over 59 years of experience (Specialty: Infertility)
Licensed acupuncturist in the states of New York & Florida.
Ph.D in Acupuncture
Ph.D in Pharmacology
O.M.D. in T.C.M.
Practicing acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine and western pharmacology since 1965. Served as Board member and on disciplinary panel of Acupuncture Department in New York State.
Licensed pharmacist in Korea
Licensed Royal Chef in Korea
Member of Board of Examiners of the N.C.C.A.O.M
Anti-Aging Board Certificate
Of Korean-Chinese descent, studied acupuncture and moxibustion at the prestigious Acupuncture and Moxibustion Institute in Seoul Korea.
Teacher of herbal medicine
Appearances, Radio & Media:
PBS (Channel 13) Innovation show
BBC radio
Men’s fitness magazine
Elle magazine New York women magazine
Self magazine
Longevity magazine
The World and I magazine
Harper’s Bazaar Magazine
“What We Know So Far” book chapter
KBS TV (in Korea)
Arirang cable T.V (188 countries)
Ju Bu Saeng Hwal Magazine New York
Sae Gye Il Bo News, New York City
Speaker at the 3rd World Acupuncture Oriental Medicine conference at the Waldorf Astoria in NYC and many others.