Me and my husband were trying to have a child since 2020 January and I never got pregnant.
We went to fertility center on March 2023 to check on us because we wanted to know if there’s some reason that pregnancy doesn’t happen.
After checking on us everything, our doctor said that “There is no reason or risk from both of you. I can’t believe you never got pregnant.”.
Although the doctor was confident, pregnancy never happened after we tired three times of IUI. After falling in third trying, we were so frustrated and decided to have a break.
I was so scared to try IVF because I thought there’s no next step if we also fail to IVF.
That made me so nervous and couldn’t even start IVF easily.
While our break time, I started to search for oriental medicine because I wanted to make my body condition as perfect as possible. And I found “Seoul Acupuncture”, their medications got patent and they have many good clinical cases for a long time.
So, we decided to go together and we met Dr Kim on November 2023.
There are so many good things, but the best thing for me was that Dr Kim always told us positive things. He always made us calm, relaxed and think positively. During my husband and I got treatment together, we both stressed less and thought about good things. And finally our first baby came to us after month and half! That was January 2024.
When my husband said “Take pregnancy test”, I didn’t want it. Because I had same moments so many times and never saw two lines. But this time was different. It was such a miracle for us!
After we found out my pregnancy, we changed our medication to avoid miscarriages. I want to share another miracle story. During pregnancy, I never got sick. Even my husband was sick twice and all my coworkers caught covid, I never got it.
Now I am 30 weeks pregnant. Our baby is healthy and I feel great. I eat good, drink 70 oz of water every day and walk 12,000 steps every day.
We feel really blessed that we came to Seoul Acupuncture and met Dr Kim.
Also, we can’t wait to see our baby girl in person on September 2024!
Ji Min Woo
Failed IVF
My wife and I normally shy away from speaking about our private lives but the incredible treatment and ability of Dr. Ai Ja Lee must be known to the public.
About 2 years ago, my wife and I started trying for our first child without any imagination ofhaving issues. After several failed IUI and IVF treatments, we were so spent (physically, emotionally and financially) and disappointed that we decided to stop all treatment and take some time off.
We were introduced. toDr. Ai Ja Lee and she claimed to have a 80% success rate for pregnancy. I was naturally skeptical. A mix of drinkable herbal medication and acupuncture. Dr. Lee’s process was far from invasive and very easy to keep up with, She estimated that my wife would be pregnant in 1-3 months, which I could not even fathom as a possibili. ASfter 5 weeks of treatment, my wife was pregnant!
Once we learned of Dr. Lee’s many degress, honors, accomplisments nad expericence in infertility treatment, we weren’t surprised that she was awarded two U.S.patents for her herbal formulas which treat infertility, n hindsight, Dr. Lee is the obvious choice for infertility treatment and my only wish was that we had seen her sooner.
Thank you so much Dr. Lee for helping to make our wish for a family a reality.
Thomas L
During the first seven years of marriage, Angela attempted IVF for six times with no success. “I was ready to give up on the hope of bearing a child, but then was caught by the rumored excellence of Dr. Ai Ja LEe,” she said. Living in D.C., Angela could not commute to Dr. Lee’s office. The only way for her to receive treatment was through taking the shipped medicine. Even so, if did not take so long until Dr. Lee that could finally fulfill Angela’s lifelong dream. After merely two months of counseling and herbal treatment, Angela was found pregnant. I don’t know how I could fully express my joy and gratitude. My wife and I consider Dr. Lee. amiracle worker.
John Chae
veryone in the world has a number to call in case of emergency. I believe everyone should put Ai Ja on top of the list! If you can not have kids, call Ai Ja. If you have pain from broken bones, sadness, imbalbnce, call Ai Ja. She has helped me resolve all of these issues.
It started for me when I had expericenced multiple inexplicable miscarriages. My husband and I were desperate to become parents and i was very sad. I saw many doctors to test for everything, and I tried IVF with specialists who had no answers. I spent years trying various medicine which made me feel worse, and when the last doctor suggested surgery I finally stopped listening to them.
That’s when i first met Ai Ja. She touched my wrist and told me things about me she could not have known. She calmed me down, geve me a magic herbal drink and hope. I was blessed with an amzing child and very soon after became pregnant again and after drinkin her special herbs, had another miracle baby!
I’d been married for seven years and wanted to have a child more than anything. I tried IVF six times, with no success. I was about ready to give up on the prospect of true happiness, but then my mother told me about the rumored brilliance of Dr. Ai Ja Lee.
Initially, I hesitated. At the time, I wasn’t sure if I should try another round, but I wanted to prevent falling into a depression. I also needed to see if Dr. Lee could indeed help me fulfill my lifelong dream.
Imagine my astonishment that, only after two months of Dr Lee’s guidance and herbal treatments, I became pregnant! I cannot begin to express my joy and gratitude. My husband and I consider Dr. Lee a miracle worker.
I have been married for eleven years and have tried to conceive many, many times including seven times through IUI and two times via IVF. One day i heard about Dr Lee’s fertility treatments. After four months of acupuncture and herbal treatments, I got pregnant. This time, I successfully carried to term and I am blessed with my sosn ( 6 lbs )
I am extremely gratified and truly happy now. I have gorgeous, beautiful son. I feel like I own the whole world – thank you very much, Dr. Lee!
Bell’s Palsy
I have extensive experience working with many holistic modules & practitioners over my lifetime. From acupuncture to Reike, deep tissue massage to Ayurveda, pilates to yoga. I have come across seasoned experts in their fields, but no one has come close to the mastery of Dr. Lee. For this reason, I have been a dedicated patient of Dr. Lee for many years. Over the years she has treated me for different things, most recently for Bell’s Palsy, which I rapidly recovered from with her therapy. Dr. Lee has an unparalleled skill of being able to immediately diagnose root causes & prescribe the exact remedy.
Zahir Babvani
Irregular menstruation
I’m 43 yrs old and have five children ranging in age from 15 to 21 and after getting remarried had a miscarriage on Oct6, 2008 and now have been taking metformin for past 4 months and on 3rd cycle of clomid without any success. Saw your site and was wondering how much is your herbs and how do I go about getting them in order to have a healthy baby? I live in Tennessee so therefore I couldn’t do your acupuncture but thought I could do like some of your testimonials and take the herbs. My husband is only 29 but doesn’t have any biological children and would love nothing more to be able to have a healthy child with him and share in the miracle of giving birth. Thank you and many blessings….Sherry
Sherry Ellison
It was recommended that I take birth control pills due to my irregular menstrual period. I was taking the pills for about 8 years which helped regulate my periods.
I was introduced to Eastern medicine when I met Dr.Lee who treated some of my other ailments. Trusting in her capabilities I started a treatment of acupuncture and herbs to regulate my homrmones and 2-3 months later I was pregnant with my first child. I gave birth to a happy ad healthy daughter with he help of Dr. Lee.
Jennifer Cho
When I met Dr.Lee, my menopause had just started. However, ever since I was a little girl, I dreamt. ofhaving children and enjoying a full family life. Unfortunately, after I got married, we tried to conceive, but could not. We even went to specialists and tried with no success.
Then we heard about Dr. Lee and began treatments with her. Finally, I conceived, and now have Robert, who has given us happiness nad fulfillment. Thanks million Dr. Lee. Now I am thinking of seeing Dr.Lee for her well-known rejuvenating treatmens, but that’s another story!
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (POCS) and I never got my period regularly. After suffering from a miscarriage and then trying. toget pregnant for over. ayear – I saw Dr.Lee when a Reproductive Endocrinologist suggested that I do “injectables” after 3 failed cycles of clomid. I was hesitant to take the prescribed hormones because of the risk of multiplies and I hated their mental and physical side effects. Pus I did not know if all that medication would help. By the second month of taking Dr. Lee’s herbs and seeing her at least once a week for accupuncture, I got pregnant. We now enjoy our beautiful baby girl. She is 7 month and I already am planning to go back to Dr. Lee for number two. Dr. Lee’s treatment was a wonderful and much more relaxing way to get pregnant. Thank you Dr. Lee – I will be forever grateful.
Robyn Lear
I had a couple of fertility issues as was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and had also suffered from a miscarriage. I was 29 at the time. My husband and I had been trying to conceive naturally for well over a year, almost 18 months. During this time, we tried Intrauterine Insemination a half dozen times without success, as my ovulation cycle remained irregular and unpredictable.
Finally after two separate friends recommmended acupuncture. toassist with conception as they believed it worked for them, I went to Dr. Lee to seek treatment. I received a series of weekly acupuncture session and also took her herbal medicine three times daily for 20 days. During this time, my husband and I conceived naturally. I had a healthy pregnancy and delivered a healthy baby boy naturally nine months later.
Jennifer E. RinehartCEO
Unexplained infertility & Stress
Dr. Lee’s herbs and acupuncture treatment helped me tremendously during my attempts to conceive. The herbs helped address my vasious imbalance issues as well as my streess. The tow treatments combined really helped create the baseline for a healthy body so that I was able ultimately conceive and carry my baby to full term.
I was in that small percentage of women – woman women who could not be diagnosed with a real reason for why they couldn’t conceive or maintain a pregnancy. I’ve read that only happens to 3 to 4 percent of women. According to my doctors, I was healthy, young, non-smoker…as was my husband. We both did tons of tests for all sorts. ofimmne disorders to rule out any potential problems. It puzzled our docctors as well as us…it made the entire situation even more frustrating…to know that there was no conclusive evidence as to why I couldn’t maintain a pregnanacy.
I highly recommend Dr. Lee if. awoman was seeking alternative therapies. tohelp get pregnant and maintain. apregnancy. Yltimately Dr. Lee was right. She had always said that my incredibly stressful job was hurting my body…that my hormones were imbalanced…that my stress levels too high…my body was running on empty so how could I maintain a healthy pregnancy?
I tried nearly every treatment under the sun…..including acupuncture in Korea, which involved specialists. Ultimately it was the reduction of stress and her fertility treatments that helped me.
I would be happy to speak with anyone further regarding my fertility challenges if anyone wishes
Jin Won Park
I highly recommend Dr. Lee for those finding it diffidcult to become pregnant. My husband and I had been trying for 9 months and decided to meet with Dr. Lee after we heard of other family members that had worked with her and gotten pregnant. I know that this is. avery sensitive topic for couples who have been trying. Having tried acupuncture previously with no success. I was a bit skeptical.. Dr Lee met with my husband and me for a consultation to understand our medical history. She prescribed an herbal medicine that I was to drink 3x daily. I also went to her office for weekly acupuncture treatments. I found out I was pregnant after one month of drinking the herbal supplements and the acupuncture treatments.. I was particularly impressed with the acupuncture as the treatment changed entirely based on where I was in my cycle. As soon as I thought I could be pregnant, Dr. Lee changed the acupuncture treatment to prevent miscarriage. I would highly recommend this treatment before considering IVF. It is natural, non-invasive and low cost. Dr. Lee is both extremely professional but also very warm and caring. I felt very comfortable with her.
I am very grateful to Dr.Lee and would encourage you to try this treatment.
Yasmin Ibrahim
Ever since I was a little girl I dreamt of having children and enjoying a full family life. However, after I married my husband. I learned that I could not conceive. This was devastating for me and my husband.
I cannot begin to express my joy and gratitude my husband and I consider Dr. Lee a miracle worker. Several months after treatment began with Dr. Lee’s guidance and herbs. I became pregnant. Imagine my astonishment! My pregnancy went well and I gave birth to a healthy baby boy.
Avital Ronell
When I first went to Dr Lee’s office I was so sick I could hardly walk. I had gone to Mexico on my honeymoon and became sick from parasites.
When my weight reached 65-90 pounds, I was recommended to Dr.Lee by Dr. Ellen bialo. Ath the time, Dr. Bialo, as well as other doctors, had been seeing me a few times a day trying conventional medicine and anything else she could think of to build my strength.
After only three weeks of Dr. Lee’s treatment, I returned to work after being out for seven months. Three months my health was fully restored. After another three months, I got pregnant the first time we tried!
Dr/ Lee’s treatments fascinated me so much that I went tl acupuncture school to learn first-hand how I was healed. Thank you Dr. Lee, for all you have done to help me and my family.
Sherry Josovitz
Scar tissue from abortion
When Dr. Lee evaluated me and said I was suffering from: 1) stress, 2) cold body, and 3) scar tissue from an abortion prior to marriage. These were interfering with ovulation and conceiving. Dr. Lee sent me 90 days of herbs.
Today, I am very happy to have my son after Dr. Lee’s herbal treatments. My son is very handsome, smart, and healthy thanks to Dr. Lee.
Kim Sun Kyung
No ovulation
One day I heard about Dr. Lee’s fertility treatments. I had four month of acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments.
This time I successfully carried to term and was blessed with my son (6 LBS)
Thank you very much Dr.Lee
John DoeCEO
No viable eggs
I am a patient of Dr. Aj Ja Lee’s. When I saw her in October 2002, I had been trying to get pregnant and was on clomid, however, I had no viable eggs. After 3 months of taking her herbal treatment I was able to pruduce 15 healthy eggs by January 2003.
Heidi Kling
General Pain
She was very caring and supportive. I walked in with terrible pain and walked out feeling like a million dollars. Highly recommended.
Pushpak Ubale
It was my first time going in for acupuncture. So far it was a good experience. Dr. Lee is very knowledgeable, friendly and has been in the industry for quite sometime. I would highly recommend to friends….
Jefferey M. Miller
I have been a pretty heavy smoker for the past 17 years. I’ve never really attmpted. toquit, and although extremely hesitant, I figured now is as good a time as any, and sougt the help of Dr. Ai Ja Lee. From the moment I met Dr.Lee, my nervousness subsided, and felt instantly comfortable. She is incredibly kind and reassured me that aside from my stubborn nature, I would be able to quit.
After our very first session, I walked out of her office with no desire whatsoever for a cigarett. ( upon leaving anywhere, the first thingI do once outside is light a cigarette. Sadly, it was second nature to me) It was AMAZING! Something felt a little off, but I was incredibly calm with absoulutely no recollection of what it is like. tosmoke! I did have two small slips the first week, but couldn’t even finish a cigarette. After a few drags, the smell and taste made me sick!
I am going on my 3rd week. ofnot smoking and I feel great! I see Dr.Lee once a week and haven’t had a slip since that very 1st week. Dr. Ai Ja Lee is a true healer! I cna’t say enough aobout her. She is literally saving my life! I know that I would never be able to do this without her help. ANyone struggling to quit smoking please go see Dr. Lee. I promise it will be the best decision you will ever make!!!
Bee F.